

(ɪnˈfɛktənt) med
(Medicine) a thing that infects or causes infection
(Medicine) causing infection; infecting
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Comparison of vaginal biocoenosis test results with infectant diagnosed according to the Bethesda system depending on type of test.
The fertilized female is the infectant stage and it penetrates a host's larva, or pupa, or adult to establish itself in the haemocoel (Massey 1974).
The oocysts do not adhere to cat fur as do helminth eggs, and furthermore cats remove the oocysts from their fur before they become infectant. (31)
* Virus: Les plus petits des micro-organismes--10 000 virus de la grippe ne couvriraient qu'une surface de 1[mm.sup.2]--, incapables de se reproduire autrement qu'en infectant un autre organisme.
As part of its strategy as a secondary infectant, Brett is a nutritionally fastidious organism lacking the ability to synthesize for itself many micronutrients.
(138) Trash resistant crack repellant drone infectant broom retardant ('s disjunct as my rod and my staff--they contort &c.
NANO MATERIAL BENEFITS RISKS CARBON NANOTUBES * Carbon sequestration * Free-radical production * Hydrogen fuel cells * Aerosol formation * Remove arsenic * Soil contaminant NANOSILVER * Zero-emission dis- * Immune system effects Infectant * Treatments for * Potential to cause wasting immunological diseases ZERO-VALENT IRON * Soil and water * Toxins replaced with other Remediation toxins * Little known environmental effects NANO TITANIUM * Pollutants detected * Negative respiratory OXIDE (TIO2) and neutralized effects QUANTUM DOTS AND * Efficient, low-cost NANOCRYSTALS solar cells * Contamination * Bactericidal detection * Self-cleaning products
Tinkles send in feline ninja fighters and a Russian agent as part of a plan that long thereafter climaxes in another catnapping -- this time of the Brodys -- and in a weird attempt to make the entire world allergic to dogs by sending out an army of infected mice to spread the infectant.
They sprayed it with dis- infectant and guarded the door while Princess Meg spent a penny.
Healthcare waste (HCW) is defined in the NSWP as "[...] those generated in health services [...]" (4), and it is considered dangerous due to having characteristics of "[...] flammability, corrosiveness, reactivity, toxicity, pathogenicity, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity [...]" (3) and because it presents significant risks to public health and environmental quality, particularly in the case of waste from the following categories: infectants (group A), chemicals (group B), radioactives (group C), and sharps (group E) (5).