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Related to inactiveness: inactive account


1. Not active or tending to be active: inactive students at risk for gaining weight.
a. Not functioning or operating; out of use: inactive machinery.
b. Not being in continuous use or operation: an inactive brokerage account.
3. Retired from duty or service: inactive military personnel.
4. Chemistry Not readily participating in chemical reactions; inert.
5. Medicine Marked by the absence or lessening of disease activity.
6. Physics Showing no optical activity in polarized light.

in·ac′tive·ly adv.
in′ac·tiv′i·ty, in·ac′tive·ness n.
Synonyms: inactive, idle, inert, dormant, latent, quiescent
These adjectives mean not involved in or disposed to movement or activity. Inactive indicates absence of activity: retired but not inactive; an inactive factory. Idle refers to persons who are not doing anything or are not busy: employees who were idle because of the strike. It also refers to what is not in use or operation: idle machinery. Inert describes things powerless to move themselves or to produce a desired effect; applied to persons, it implies lethargy or sluggishness, especially of mind or spirit: "The Honorable Mrs. Jamieson ... was fat and inert, and very much at the mercy of her old servants" (Elizabeth C. Gaskell).
Dormant refers to a state of suspended activity but often implies the possibility of renewal: dormant feelings of affection. What is latent is present but not evident: latent ability. Quiescent sometimes—but not always—suggests temporary inactivity: "For a time, he [the whale] lay quiescent" (Herman Melville).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.inactiveness - the state of being inactive
state - the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"
abeyance, suspension - temporary cessation or suspension
anergy - inactivity and lack of energy
halt, stoppage, arrest, hitch, stay, stop, check - the state of inactivity following an interruption; "the negotiations were in arrest"; "held them in check"; "during the halt he got some lunch"; "the momentary stay enabled him to escape the blow"; "he spent the entire stop in his seat"
calcification - an inflexible and unchanging state; "the calcification of negotiations"
deep freeze - temporary inactivity or suspension; "the legislation has now been revived after ten years in the deep freeze"
desuetude - a state of inactivity or disuse
dormancy, quiescence, quiescency - a state of quiet (but possibly temporary) inaction; "the volcano erupted after centuries of dormancy"
extinction - no longer active; extinguished; "the extinction of the volcano"
holding pattern - a state of inaction with no progress and no change; "you should go into a holding pattern until he gets over his disappointment"
rest - a state of inaction; "a body will continue in a state of rest until acted upon"
doldrums, stagnation, stagnancy - a state of inactivity (in business or art etc); "economic growth of less than 1% per year is considered to be economic stagnation"
stagnancy, stagnation - inactivity of liquids; being stagnant; standing still; without current or circulation
stasis - inactivity resulting from a static balance between opposing forces
activeness, activity, action - the state of being active; "his sphere of activity"; "he is out of action"
2.inactiveness - a disposition to remain inactive or inert; "he had to overcome his inertia and get back to work"
trait - a distinguishing feature of your personal nature
languor, lethargy, phlegm, sluggishness, flatness - inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy; "the general appearance of sluggishness alarmed his friends"
restfulness - the attribute of being restful; "he longed for the restfulness of home"
passivity, passiveness - the trait of remaining inactive; a lack of initiative
indolence, laziness - inactivity resulting from a dislike of work
activeness, activity - the trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically; "the level of activity declines with age"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Lifestyle habits such as excessive alcohol consumption and smoking along with physical inactiveness are also leading to an increasing prevalence of cardiovascular diseases.
The level of inactiveness of your rest days greatly depends on how intense your workout sessions are.
They will give you the best company to keep you healthy and avoid the social inactiveness.
It is criminal negligence of NDMA and PDMAs owing to their inactiveness, given the serious drought condition where the drinking water is becoming extinct and the insufficient water taken out from the ancient wells is injurious to health owing to high level of contamination as according to reports of some development Sector organizations that the water samples taken from the Thar Desert contain alarmingly 6000 to 7000 TTC that means that water is just like slow Poison as such a high TTC may cause severe bodily or abdominal complications leading to deaths due to such water contamination .
The sources also revealed that prisoners in the jail while taking advantage of the jammers inactiveness remained busy on their mobile phones from morning to evening.
It is criminal negligence of NDMA and PDMAs owing to their inactiveness, given the serious drought condition where the drinking water is becoming extinct and the insufficient water taken out from the ancient wells is injurious to health owing to high level of contamination as according to reports of some development Sector organisations that the water samples taken from the Thar Desert contain alarmingly 6000 to 7000 TTC that means that water is just like slow Poison as such a high TTC may cause severe bodily or abdominal complications leading to deaths due to such water contamination.
The statement has been received well and is largely seen in the backdrop of the legendary 'inactiveness' displayed by Alvi's predecessor President Mamnoon Hussain in delegating powers during his five-year career.
Besides the dis-functional weapons being used by security guards, inactiveness of panic buttons, lack of searchlights and other major loopholes were also observed by the survey team.
He noted that Motherland Beckons through Atunda Entertainment 'has tingled the timidity and torpedo the culturally inactiveness which had taken over and created gap of disharmony between the Anglophone and Francophone.
The LCCI office-bearers said that business community could not file their tax returns because of inactiveness of IRIS system.
The letter further states that four years tenure of current chairman HEC would be going to expired on 14th April 2018, the universities are helpless due to inactiveness of the current chairman.
The inactiveness of the government to take the bill to the parliament has parleyed preparations required to be made by the electoral body.