in-dwelling catheter

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Related to in-dwelling catheter: indwelling catheter

in-dwelling catheter

n. catéter implantado en el cuerpo.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Exclusion criteria were known history of neurological disorder, urinary incontinence, Women who had recurrent urinary tract infections or positive urine culture (> [10.sup.5] colony-forming units of an identified single uro-pathogen per millilitre of urine) pre-operatively and women for whom a complicated procedure was encountered during the hysterectomy in which case in-dwelling catheter had to be kept post-operatively at the surgeon's decision.
Night Pouch System[TM] is a patented product that reportedly is easy to use and works with nearly all brands of night bags for urostomy and in-dwelling catheter patients.
PVP is often done on an outpatient basis and patients often can go home without an in-dwelling catheter the same day following their surgery.
My urologist doesn't recommend an in-dwelling catheter for me, but I sometimes have to go every six minutes.
Catheter occlusion occurs when a clot forms within an in-dwelling catheter, hindering the inward or outward flow of solutions or blood.
The prosthesis was removed and the gelcap of a new in-dwelling catheter was placed under direct vision (figure, B).
Dunn TS, Shlay J, Forshner D 2003 Are in-dwelling catheters necessary for 24 hours after hysterectomy?