

thorough penetration
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References in periodicals archive ?
Under the Lorry, by Malcolm Volcano In Caldo Brodo, by Truman Capone Against Impenetration, by Su Sanstag The Company She Peeps, by Merrimac Arty By Left Possessed, by Lord Brussell Ruined Vision, by Stephen Spent (280) Though disrupting the work's meandering narrative, these lists are perfectly integrated into work's larger aesthetic, which not only allows for but seems to require frequent interruption, dilation, and embellishment.
On the basis of these considerations, Sen claims that it is necessary for us to recognize our diverse diversity and the positive manner in which identities, including civilizational ones, do and can intersect with one another: The hope of harmony in the contemporary world lies to a great extent in a clearer understanding of the pluralities of human identity, and in the appreciation that they cut across each other and work against a sharp separation along one single hardened line of impenetration ...