

a less common spelling of embase
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(3) when he gives an account of these things that defle and imbase the human Nature, the Catalogue he gives is of moral iniquitys Math.
Such thoughts or Practises as do tend to the abasing (e) of that naturall reverence due to God, or do imbase the Notion of it in the minds of Men, or as are unbecoming (f) the Dignity of God, such (g) are the common irreverent use of the Name of God, the imbasing of the Notion of the Deity by Images, Creature, Deitys and the like; this (h) tho the corupt Customs of the gentile world made (i) common, yet certainly it was against the due (j) reverence, due (k) to almighty God, and derogatory to his dignity, therefore excellently the Apostle (l) Rom.
From (d) the Consideration of the Dignity of the human Nature, it is a Natural Law for a Man to avoid all such things as do degrade or imbase it: And therefore drunkeness immoderate Eating, intemperance, (e) Luxury are contrary to the Law of Nature, not only because they are contrary to the Law of self preservation being the mothers of Diseases & Death, and contrary to the Good and Convenience of human Societys to the ends which (f) they disable a Man, but are contrary (g) to the dignity & honor of the humane Nature; (15)