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1. Full of or characterized by humor; funny: a humorous story.
2. Employing or showing humor; witty: a humorous writer.
3. Archaic Given to moods or whims; capricious.
4. Obsolete Damp; moist.

hu′mor·ous·ly adv.
hu′mor·ous·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



funny as a barrel of monkeys Very funny, hilarious, uproarious, riotous. Monkeys are known for their humorous antics; a barrel of them would undoubtedly serve to heighten one’s amusement. But, since too many monkeys would not be funny for long, the expression is also used sarcastically to mean not funny at all.

funny-peculiar or funny ha-ha See DIFFERENTIATION.

in stitches Doubled over with laughter, in pain from laughing so hard. Stitch dates from the 11th century as a term for a sharp, spasmodic, localized pain. In stitches refers to the analogous spasms produced by uncontrollable laughter. Shakespeare used the phrase in Twelfth Night (III, ii):

If you desire the spleen, and will laugh yourself into stitches, follow me.

laugh like a drain To guffaw or horselaugh; to laugh loudly and boisterously. This British colloquialism refers to the sound made by water as it gurgles down the drain, and is frequently used in the context of laughing in derision at another’s discomfiture.

Old Hester would laugh like a drain if she could see us singing hymns over her. (K. Nicholson, Hook, Line and Sinker, 1966)

merry-andrew One who amuses others through buffoonery or zaniness; a droll, witty person; a clown. This expression may have derived from the learned traveler and physician to Henry VIII, Andrew Borde, though the evidence for this theory is flimsy at best. In an attempt to instruct the common English people, Borde spoke at fairs and other festivals, often interjecting witticisms and puns into his rather unpretentious lectures. The many people who imitated him were thus called merry-andrews. The expression is still used today for an amateur comedian or a buffoon.

Richter is a man of mirth, but he seldom or never condescends to be a merry-andrew. (Thomas Carlyle, Tales by Musaeus, Tieck, and Richter, 1827)

slapstick A type of comedy characterized by boisterousness, farcical facial expressions, and horseplay, and quasi-violent actions such as throwing pies, striking or tripping one another, etc. This comedie genre takes its name from the slapstick ‘flexible lath or stick’ used by clowns and harlequins to deliver a loud but painless blow to another actor. Slapstick comedy was perhaps epitomized by the Keystone Cops and other silent-film characters created by Mack Sennett (1884-1960). Even during its heyday in the early 1900s, but especially after the introduction of sound in motion pictures in the late 1920s, slapstick was considered by some to be a low, if not base, form of humor because of its exaggerated visual effects and rampant, though innocent, acts of violence.

It was a musical show—one of those … slap-stick affairs which could never by any possibility satisfy a cultivated audience. (T. K. Holmes, Man From Tall Timber, 1919)

wear the cap and bells To willingly play the clown or buffoon, to act the fool, to be the life of the party; also, to serve as foil to the straight man, to be the butt of others’ jokes. This now little-used expression derives from the headgear formerly worn by court jesters, a cap with bells attached.

Picturesque Expressions: A Thematic Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1980 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.humorousness - the trait of merry jokinghumorousness - the trait of merry joking    
levity - a manner lacking seriousness
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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(American) humor (ˈhjuːmə) noun
1. the ability to amuse people; quickness to spot a joke. He has a great sense of humour.
2. the quality of being amusing. the humour of the situation.
to please (someone) by agreeing with him or doing as he wishes. There is no point in telling him he is wrong – just humour him instead.
ˈhumorist noun
a person who writes or tells amusing stories, jokes etc.
ˈhumorous adjective
funny; amusing. a humorous situation/remark.
ˈhumorously adverb
ˈhumorousness noun
having, or showing, feelings or a personality of a particular sort. a good-humoured person; an ill-humoured remark.

humour, noun, ends in -our.
humorous, adjective, drops the u.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
But once, the mood was on him too deep for common regardings; and as with heavy, lumber-like pace he was measuring the ship from taffrail to mainmast, Stubb, the odd second mate, came up from below, and with a certain unassured, deprecating humorousness, hinted that if Captain Ahab was pleased to walk the planks, then, no one could say nay; but there might be some way of muffling the noise; hinting something indistinctly and hesitatingly about a globe of tow, and the insertion into it, of the ivory heel.
Yet was this half-horrible stolidity in him, involving, too, as it appeared, an all-ramifying heartlessness; --yet was it oddly dashed at times, with an old, crutch-like, antediluvian, wheezing humorousness, not unstreaked now and then with a certain grizzled wittiness; such as might have served to pass the time during the midnight watch on the bearded forecastle of Noah's ark.
The youngsters, not immediately within sight, seemed rather bright and desirable appurtenances than otherwise; the incidents of daily life were not without humorousness and jollity in their aspect there.
As part of the study, researchers began their work based on a study from the University of Warwick, which had participants rate the humorousness of nearly 5,000 English words.