
Also found in: Medical.


(Medicine) med in a humoral manner or from a humoral point of view
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
IVIg may potentially be effective for NMOSD, since it is efficacious in other humorally mediated disorders such as myasthenia gravis (18), which can also be seen as a comorbid disease with NMOSD (19, 20).
Paraneoplastic humorally mediated hypercalcemia induced by parathyroid hormone-related protein in gynecologic malignancies: a systematic review.
This may be attributed to differences in the B cell or humorally mediated immunopathogenesis of MS in the Asian patients.
Both glycoproteins and glycolipids within the myelin sheath are damaged in a humorally mediated immune response in AIDP [19].
The pathology of NMOSD is distinguished from other demyelinating diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, by the presence of the aquaporin-4 (AQP4) serological antibody and by humorally mediated inflammatory markers associated with AQP4depleted lesions, including perivascular immunoglobulin and complement [2, 3].
Humorally mediated thrombocytosis in major lower extremity trauma.
(37) In The Secret Miracles of Nature: In Four Books (1658), Levinus Lemnius is even more specific in noting that for all men, even if they were humorally healthy, there is one time of day, 'from nine in the morning till three in the afternoon', when 'black choler, or melancholique juice doth its office...
Additionally there may be humorally directed inhibition of erythropoietin but the alternative explanation is that erythropoietinstimulating activity leads to the loss of these precursors.
(21) In this context, the paradigm for Christian perfection was the Christian male, ardent in his love for Christ, rational, spiritually strong and humorally balanced.
(humorally understood) geological process, likened to the man-made
Higher doses of vaccine or additional doses may be required to overcome the inhibitory effects of competing intestinal flora, concomitant use of oral polio vaccine and high levels of humorally transferred maternal antibodies against rotavirus.