hotel plan

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Related to hotel plan: travel plan
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.hotel plan - a plan and a room rate for providing a room and meals to guests at a hotelhotel plan - a plan and a room rate for providing a room and meals to guests at a hotel
design, plan - an arrangement scheme; "the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult"; "it was an excellent design for living"; "a plan for seating guests"
American plan - a hotel plan that includes three meals daily
Bermuda plan - a hotel plan that provides a full breakfast daily
continental plan, European plan - a hotel plan that provides a continental breakfast daily
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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It bashfully, almost apologetically, gives the traveller to understand that it does not expect him, on the good old constitutional hotel plan, to order a pint of sweet blacking for his drinking, and throw it away; but insinuates that he may have his boots blacked instead of his stomach, and maybe also have bed, breakfast, attendance, and a porter up all night, for a certain fixed charge.
Now a new PS8.5million, 109-bedroom hotel plan has been submitted to Cornwall Council.
Jake Majid, of Maher Entertainments, behind the hotel plan, said previously: "This is the only thing we can see as viable for this site.
McKay Investment will likely submit its hotel plan to the city in the next month, Korth said.
PAGE 7 Hotel plan A FORMER nursing home with grandstand views over the Royal Liverpool Golf Club could become Wirral's latest boutique hotel.
The terminals can be used for lovers who find love hotels a little seedy: The "Twilight Hotel Plan" gives discounts for two travelers staying in a room with one double bed.
That would make it the second gold building planned for the site, after the PS35m hotel plan revealed last year.
THE owners of a well known Flintshire hotel plan to spend PS4m on a major expansion.
Seven Tides is currently working on a new hotel plan that will be launched at Dubai's Jumeirah Lake Towers.
NEWS: A Hotel plan has been suggested for Union Rooms Wetherspoons pub.

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