hotel bill

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Noun1.hotel bill - statement of charges for staying in a hotel
invoice, bill, account - an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered; "he paid his bill and left"; "send me an account of what I owe"
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References in classic literature ?
His hotel bill, losses at billiards and cards to Captain Crawley had almost drained the young man's purse, which wanted replenishing before he set out on his travels, and he had no resource but to infringe upon the two thousand pounds which the attorneys were commissioned to pay over to him.
Also, the hotel bill which he left unpaid was enormous.
I have had to dispute such trifles as a few centimes in the hotel bill; and twice already, some sharp remarks have passed between the newly-married couple, in consequence of her ladyship's freedom in purchasing pretty tempting things at the shops in Paris.
Though I bided my time, ran up a comfortable hotel bill, and, at the very last, ordered my own generous assortment of liquors and cigars and charged the bill to the schooner.
Helen in her flight forgot to settle the hotel bill, and took their return tickets away with her; they had to pawn Jacky's bangles to get home, and the smash came a few days afterwards.
The hotel bill came to fifteen guineas; and my friend, after reckoning everything up, found that the cheeses had cost him eight-and-sixpence a pound.
Not having enough money to pay the cost of such a journey, he borrowed the price of a return ticket from Sanders and arranged to stay with a friend in Washington, to save a hotel bill that he could not afford.
"And over here is what appears to be the fragment of a hotel bill, which interests me deeply."
A month or two later I was able to understand why a courier did not have to pay any board and lodging, and why my hotel bills were always larger when I had him with me than when I left him behind, somewhere, for a few days.
James Owiti who was charged with skipping to pay a hotel bill told Kibera Senior resident magistrate Barbara Ojoo that the lady forced him to Gibson's restaurant located in Dagoreti because she only liked hotels for 'first-class people.'
Shaw, who has spent 181 days in the last three years abroad, has a taxpayer-funded hotel bill since 2016 that runs to more than PS34,000.
Police chief reprimanded them and directed them to pay hotel bill by themselves.

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