horse manure

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: manure - horse excreta used as fertilizerhorse manure - horse excreta used as fertilizer  
manure - any animal or plant material used to fertilize land especially animal excreta usually with litter material
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References in periodicals archive ?
There is no law that requires people to pick up horse manure the way there is with dog fouling.
Hundreds of people have agreed with Sarah and said that despite there being no law saying that horse manure has to be cleared up, that she "has a point".
Q WE have been offered a load of horse manure but it contains wood shavings.
Nematodes, Walnut, Organic amendments, Cow dung, Horse manure, Pigeon manure, Castor oil cakes, Duck manure, Saw dust.
One of the outbreak strains was isolated from bull and horse manure collected from a yard near a community household with two ill children.
The native soil is very alkaline so I've built raised beds to facilitate making my own soil--which I've done using straw, horse manure, and vermiculture.
[United States], Dec 25 (ANI): On a lighter note, a box of gift-wrapped horse manure addressed to US treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin, found near his home in Los Angeles, sparked bomb scare.
However, the scare turned into a farce when it was discovered that the package contained horse manure, and the laughter was heard rippling through Twitter, where the treasury secretary is a regular roast candidate.
- The HPAB process can effectively remove horse manure fecal matter for composting and efficiently recycle waste wood shavings through separation, drying, processing and packaging for reuse.
BY GORDON DEEGAN A PENSIONER was yesterday convicted of assault in a row with his neighbour which involved him piling horse manure on a garden wall.