Horse Guards

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Horse Guards

pl n
1. (Military) the cavalry regiment that, together with the Life Guards, comprises the cavalry part of the British sovereign's Household Brigade
2. (Placename) their headquarters in Whitehall, London: also the headquarters of the British Army
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
'I am told,' said Bishop magnate to Horse Guards, 'that Mr Merdle has made another enormous hit.
Bar fell into discussion with Horse Guards concerning courts- martial.
There was a dinner giving in the Harley Street establishment, while Little Dorrit was stitching at her father's new shirts by his side that night; and there were magnates from the Court and magnates from the City, magnates from the Commons and magnates from the Lords, magnates from the bench and magnates from the bar, Bishop magnates, Treasury magnates, Horse Guard magnates, Admiralty magnates,--all the magnates that keep us going, and sometimes trip us up.
At the end of the ornamental water was the gray mass of the Horse Guards. The ordered elegance of the scene had the charm of an eighteenth-century picture.
And what I tell you is this--that as long as our people go backwards and forwards, to and fro, up and down, to that there jolly old Maypole, lettering, and messaging, and fetching and carrying, you couldn't help your son keeping company with that young lady by deputy,--not if he was minded night and day by all the Horse Guards, and every man of 'em in the very fullest uniform.'
They said that they did not know who had authorised the movements of the troops; their idea was that a dispute had arisen at the Horse Guards. The ordinary sapper is a great deal better educated than the common soldier, and they discussed the peculiar conditions of the possible fight with some acuteness.
too much to herself sometimes--not that she ever doubted; for, to be sure, George must be at the Horse Guards; and he can't always get leave from Chatham; and he must see his friends and sisters, and mingle in society when in town (he, such an ornament to every society!); and when he is with the regiment, he is too tired to write long letters.
The officers may write to the papers demanding the heads of the Horse Guards in default of cleaner redress for grievances; the men may break loose across a country town and seriously startle the publicans; but neither officers nor men have it in their composition to mutiny after the continental manner.
The hurry in such cases is immediately over, and the place clear as soon as the king is gone by; but as there is always a great running and clutter just as the king passes, so having dropped the two little ladies, and done my business with them without any miscarriage, I kept hurrying on among the crowd, as if I ran to see the king, and so I got before the crowd and kept so till I came to the end of the Mall, when the king going on towards the Horse Guards, I went forward to the passage, which went then through against the lower end of the Haymarket, and there I bestowed a coach upon myself, and made off, and I confess I have not yet been so good as my word, viz.
Simon Crisford is another trainer with plenty to look forward to at the Thameside track, courtesy of Waterfront in the Horse Guards London Dry Gin Mcintyre Novice Stakes and Alnadir in the Horse Guards London Dry Gin Falls Handicap.
Wellwishers cheered the coach carrying Harry, Meghan, the Duchess of Cornwall and the Duchess of Cambridge as it made its way to Horse Guards Parade in London's Whitehall for the Trooping ceremony.
Meghan left Buckingham Palace in a carriage also carrying her husband Prince Harry, the Duchess of Cornwall and the Duchess of Cambridge en route to Horse Guards Parade, where the Trooping the Colour ceremony is being held.