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a tough, ruthless, or violent man
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Joel Hardman, believed to be an MSc student at the University of Birmingham, was also sentenced to a three-year community order and put on a sex offenders' treatment programme at the city's magistrates' court yesterday.
But Mr Hardman, a well-known architect and former commodore of Conway Yacht Club, refused to extinguish the fire stating it would "go out soon," said Jim Neary, prosecuting.
He said: "We know the Hardman Centre provides valuable services to the people of the local community.
"Early Years officers will offer support to both the current parents and those parents with children expecting to attend the Hardman Centre from September 2019.
Hardman was caught on CCTV and later admitted starting the fire in the skip next to the apartments on Claughton Street, St Helens, at about 2.35am on August 4 last year.
At the hearing in Bolton Miss Hardman, who has another child aged five, told how Lilly-May had been born at 37 weeks on November 7 last year weighing six pounds 10 ounces.
According to Hardman, this decision may have to do with the Duke of Edinburgh's respect for Her Majesty's position.
Coming from previous roles within hotel management at various locations within the North West with Whitbread Hotels and Restaurants, Mr Hardman's wealth of experience and knowledge perfectly lends him to this historical property.
The assaults happened between 1981 to 1995 when Hardman was a senior warrant officer.
However having seen the Pc's lights Hardman continued to drive off at speed and became involved in an accident a Short time later, magistrates were told.
John Hardman, distinguished historian of France, recently revised his 1993 biography entitled The Life of Louis XVI in order to expand the more nuanced picture of Louis's life and personality he originally detailed in the earlier edition.
Anne Mitchell, prosecuting, said officers were arresting Hardman's stepfather when the incident happened.