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rather hard
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Old man Hasken o' the "East Wind" - Troop seemed to be talking to himself - "he tripped on a hatch an' butted the mainmast with his head - hardish. 'Baout three weeks afterwards, old man Hasken he would hev it that the "East Wind" was a commerce-destroyin' man-o'-war, so he declared war on Sable Island because it was Bridish, an' the shoals run aout too far.
From that direction the place is really inaccessible, and, were it not for a hardish ledge which runs at the very base of the precipice, we should have had to turn back.
Expect a fun night of hardish rock with a satirical squint...
Even with the suspension set a bit on the hardish side, the Mazda2 offered a comfortable ride for those on board unless the road surface was badly potholed.
The hardish bacon had fat that wasn't crispy, the hideouslooking sausages screamed 'donkey lips' and couldn't tempt me to finish them.
The suspension is set somewhat on the hardish side but on the smooth island roads it was a joy.
The suspension is set somewhat on the hardish side and I must say that it was a bit unhappy with the large speed bumps which peppered the streets of the small Ibiza town through which our route to the coast took us.