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adj. guts·i·er, guts·i·est Slang
1. Marked by courage or daring; plucky.
2. Robust and uninhibited; lusty: "the gutsy ... intensity of her musical involvement" (Judith Crist).

guts′i·ly adv.
guts′i·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


in a greedy mannerin a brave mannerin a coarse or earthy manner
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Defying the monsoon rains brought by Typhoon Hannah last week, I gutsily checked out the culinary scene, with some tips from Richmonde Hotel manager Nat Lim and the company of my Iloilo-based Silay-born friend Anbrei Antiporda.
Down by nine in team play and by four in the individual race going into the final round, the Philippine women's team delivered a performance for the ages on Sunday with Yuka Saso gutsily holding on to complete a golden sweep that highlighted the country's most productive day so far in the 18th Asian Games.
"Lieberher somehow manages to sell a role that could easily seem very contrived and both Trevorrow and Watts gutsily navigate some very sharp shifts in tone," writes Dan Callahan, also noting "outstanding moments" for supporting cast member Sarah Silverman.
The central foyer, gutsily painted navy blue, features several artworks that depict guns, while the black-carpeted, blood-red walled home theater has seven leather theater recliners on tiered platforms.
(61) Even Michael King, who saw Lee's novels as belonging primarily to New Zealand's social history, conceded that 'he writes simply, vividly and occasionally gutsily'.
And if Netanyahu and his current ambassador in Washington, Ron Dermer, who organized the gambit with Boehner, want to know how offensive the whole thing is to average Americans they should listen to conservative "Fox News Sunday'' talk show host Chris Wallace, not a usual critic of Israel, who gutsily said of the Bibi invite on Friday, Jan.
(His former employer Sony ultimately faced down North Korea more gutsily in the holiday brouhaha over The Interview.)
"As usual injuries are creeping in towards the end of the week and we were unlucky to lose several really close matches - but the win against Hertfordshire has given us a very good chance of staying up and I was impressed both by the way our top pair Leyla and Luisa fought back gutsily."
Wagner got most of the attention, nowhere more so than in Longborough, nestling snugly (if windily) in the Cotswolds, and venue for the only professional complete Ring cycle to be staged across the entire realm this year; shame upon the big boys (Royal Opera, English National), but plaudits for Longborough, punching gutsily above its weight and delivering knockouts every time.
To the news that Kate Moss this week hired a body double who was at least half her age (and half as pretty) I lift a glass aloft and drink from it gutsily. Because this is the same week that I realise I have turned into my own body double, my mother.
The pomp was pepped up further with inter artist competitions, although Bach and Handel studiously avoided any risk of a play-off, but Crispian and fellow trumpeter Tom Rainer gutsily took up the challenge on Concerto for Two Trumpets by Vivaldi.