

nerve-wrackingcausing a person to feel great shock, fear, and disgust; horrible
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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And we push down the gut-churning knowledge that it will be only a matter of time before it happens again.
This week, almost the same as every other week these days, we have heard about, and read, the most appalling, gut-churning, ashamed-tobe-a-human-being accounts of the institutional abuse of some of society's most vulnerable people.
Blasting five goals past Hapoel Beer Sheva in the first leg of the play-off two years ago gave them enough of a cushion to edge through a gut-churning return leg.
THIS is the gut-churning moment a call centre worker jumped out of an aeroplane.
She and Toff took on a gut-churning Bushtucker Trial in a challenge called The Worst Dates Restaurant.They chomped through dodgy delicacies including Knickerbocker Clawly (an ostrich foot) and Lobster Thermi-Gore (pig's brains) to earn eight meals for the camp.
A year after the gut-churning anxiety of the Portsmouth match, Kelly signed out of Toon with a superb hat-trick as Premier Leaguebound United demolished Leicester 7-1 in the final game of the 1992-93 season.
It was the final gut-churning insult in a year that offered so much, but delivered nothing.
As was the case with the show's debut season, the second go-round of "UnReal" begins in highly addictive fashion, even if some of the gut-churning swerves in the new season's first two episodes carry a frightening degree of difficulty.
Scumbag Tippett's crime is truly gut-churning, and I say that as a "seen it all" journalist of 40 years standing.
Packed with gut-churning brutality and pulse-pounding action, it should come with a health warning urging those with heart problems to stay away.
The business of returning home, with that gut-churning thrum of tension and disloyalty to mum; for still loving the father who apparently didn't love her - the father who had left us to be with the woman across the road.