gun emplacement

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.gun emplacement - an emplacement for a gun
emplacement - military installation consisting of a prepared position for siting a weapon
nest - a kind of gun emplacement; "a machine-gun nest"; "a nest of snipers"
pillbox - a small enclosed gun emplacement (usually of fortified concrete)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Instead he: | Propped himself up to check that his gun could still be fired; | Shouted encouragement to men in neighbouring trenches; | Kept enemy tanks at bay until his gun was knocked out; | Weak from loss of blood, dragged himself to another gun emplacement ; | Hit one Tiger tank and stopped two self-propelled guns in their tracks.
Gun Emplacement Cottage, the gardens of which drop on to the White Cliffs of Dover, was used as a base by the criminals as they waited for drug-laden helicopters to land nearby.
Gun Emplacement Cottage, the gardens of which drop onto the White Cliffs of Dover, was used as a base by the criminals, many whom had links to Merseyside, as they waited for drug-laden helicopters to land nearby.
In his book Pakistan Handbook, a famous writer Isobel Shaw authors: 'The old gun emplacement on the Southern end of the fort mound is a platform with a good view over Shah Rukn-i-Alam's tomb, in one direction, and the old city of Multan in the other.
I also remember Gunny running over to a machine gun emplacement during a firefight in Iraq to pour a bottle of his oil over an entire barrel.
His small squadron were to take off at 11.15pm on June 5 1944, land safely with 10 other glider crews at 12.20am on June 6, regroup in Occupied France and knock out communications to the infamous Merville Battery, a formidable gun emplacement on the coastal strip north of Caen.
The Israelis did not say whether the Syrian position that was hit a machine gun emplacement belonged to Syrian government forces or to rebels.
A century before, in the Spanish period, a castillo--a fortified gun emplacement or battery--had stood watch on the sea from the cliff just above the detached crag later known as Castle Rock.