gummy shark

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gummy shark

(Animals) Austral another term for gummy2 See gum2
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These values represent a maturation rate comparable to that of other species of Mustelus; for example, the eastern spotted gummy shark matures at an age around 7-9 years and at a length of 670 to 800 mm TL (Rigby et al., 2016).
Other shark species sighted in the Point Cooke Marine Sanctuary include the Gummy Shark Mustelus antarcticus.
Krill, squid, toothed whales, Australian sea lions, sharks and seabirds are attracted to upwelling in the Kangaroo Island Pool off South Australia, and it is a spawning ground for giant crab, southern rock lobster and gummy shark.
Aspects of the reproductive biology of the gummy shark, Mustelus antarcticus Gunther, from waters off the south coast of Western Australia.