grunt work

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grunt work

n (US inf) → Knochenarbeit f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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She advises students who do the real grunt work of running a business: packaging orders, making sales calls, developing marketing plans and examining spreadsheets.
"You do all the running, the grunt work, in order to play the football.
Our solution frees you up to focus on building personal relationships with clients by leveraging the power of our AI-driven devices to do much of the grunt work of building content without making it seem templatized."
Postgrads typically provide the grunt work in research projects.
Common myths about Millennials are that they are disloyal, won't do grunt work and are impossible to transform into long-term employees.
'The minister is unfortunately in a position where he has to do a lot of formal functions: He has to meet foreign ambassadors, he has to attend Cabinet meetings; he has to do a lot of these things where a lot of the grunt work, you'd need a separate team to take care of it,' said Pua, who is DAP publicity chief.
As J deals with a major fall out with Smurf, Deran will attempt to show he is capable of doing more than just grunt work.
4) Do the grunt work. Typically politicians need to disclose who they have received campaign donations from.
"He'd be commanding the scene but he also did grunt work - everybody pitched in.
The latter size probably accounts for most of this bait category's grunt work, but that point may work against you.
Though commercial AI originated with machines doing repetitive tasks that were considered "grunt work," the current definition of AI is more aspirational--computers that act like humans, think like humans and can learn (cognitive computing).
They eliminated physical grunt work and created new kinds of work for humans, such as operating and fixing machines and using their capabilities in new ways.