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 the smallest unit of measurement; a collection of anything of little value, as the parings of nails—Johnson, 1755.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Here, trink dis, like a goot veller, und don't gry now - don't!"
Gry Johansen, Pernilla Dahm-Kahler, Christian Staf, Angelique Floter Radestad, Kenny A.
Z kolei w przypadku dolegliwosci miesniowo-szkieletowych tym, co najczesciej roznicuje poszczegolne grupy instrumentalistow, nie jest nasilenie dolegliwosci, a ich umiejscowienie, typowe dla specyfiki gry na poszczegolnych instrumentach [8,18,19].
The editors, Gry Agnete Alsos, Ulla Hytti, and Elisabet Ljunggren, are all Nordic academic specialists in entrepreneurship, which imparts a distinctly European sensibility to the book.
KILLED But Sture's charges were dropped over the murders of Gry Storvik, far left, and Trine Jensen
Lies that lead to a potentially life-changing choice for both Orrec and Gry.
Beirut ranked in 53rd place in 2009, down from 38th place in 2008 and 42nd place in 2007, among 79 markets globally and 6th among six markets in the Middle East and North Africa in terms of Gross Rental Yield (GRY), which is the annual rent relative to the house price.
Study co-author Gry Sagebakken suspected that developing embryos were possibly taking nutrients from one another.
Screenplay, Genz, Dunja Gry Jensen, based on a novel by Erling Jepsen.
His good friend Gry has the gift of communicating with animals, but she refuses to use it to call them to the hunt to be killed.
Orrec and his best friend Gry live in a barren country where magical gifts are valued above wealth.
The GRY also features displays that are easy to read in a range of environments.