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 (grēn′wŏsh′ĭng, -wôsh′-)
The dissemination of misleading information that conceals abuse of the environment in order to present a positive public image.

[green + -washing (as in brainwashing whitewashing).]

green′washed′ adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


The practice of encouraging potential investors or customers to believe that a company has environmentally friendly practices, especially when these are seemingly contradictory to that company’s core business. An example might be environmental programs or initiatives launched by an oil company.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
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Yet the industry is also the subject of fierce criticism, particularly among environmentalists, who see it as a highly unethical form of greenwashing.
It's the job of political leaders, investors, financiers, the Climate Bonds Initiative and others to keep their eyes open and not fall for the greenwashing. And, at minimum, the industry can commit--at an event co-hosted by UNESCO--to avoiding projects that threaten World Heritage Sites.
Expect more greenwashing of policies from now on, though don't expect a sophisticated electorate to swallow them.
The Institution is calling on the government to support the development of more environmentally-friendly fibres and fibre-recycling technologies, and to tackle 'greenwashing'--when companies make false claims of sustainability.
The NATRUE Label offers a guarantee that brands are committed to fighting greenwashing, both for ingredients and finished products.
Though farmers markets have a reputation for selling locally and sustainably grown food, "greenwashing" is still common.
WASHINGTON -- The practice is called "greenwashing" and home shoppers need to be on guard: It means a house is being marketed as environmentally friendly and energy-saving when it doesn't really deserve that description.
Among specific topics are advertising self-reference as exemplified by the International Festival of Creativity, greenwashing: disinformation through green advertising, legal and ethical aspects of collecting and using information about the consumer, and the Internet of Things as disruptive innovation for the advertising ecosystem.
The term 'greenwashing' was coined by an environmentalist in the 1980s to describe the massive use of trimedia, via shrewd s, to hide moneyed businesses' dirty environmental records behind claimed sustainability efforts.
Several natural cleaning companies have been under fire for greenwashing, or misleading claims about their enviromental status.