

(ˈɡriːsˌbænd; ˈɡriːzˌbænd)
(Horticulture) horticulture a band of greasy or sticky material wrapped around a tree trunk in order to prevent insects from ascending the tree
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In 1993, we held our second Reach Out for Children with Kidney disease (ROCK) benefit with the Greaseband. The event was an annual event for 3 years and monies were donated to pediatric dialysis programs in New Jersey.
Join colleagues and friends for ANNA's Big Event as we celebrate nephrology nursing with a dance party starring The Fabulous Greaseband. ANNA and Amgen proudly present this entertaining and energetic dance party.
As ANNA celebrates another great year, the Fabulous Greaseband will be there to start us off!
WRAP a greaseband around the trunk of apple and pear trees to catch the wingless female moths that climb the trees to lay their eggs on the branches.
Fix greasebands around the stems of apple and pear trees to prevent crawling insects reaching fruit-bearing branches.
Apply greasebands to the trunks to stop overwintering moths climbing up and laying their eggs.
WEEKEND JOBS | Fix greasebands round the stems of apple and pear trees to prevent crawling insects reaching fruit-bearing branches | Check over strawberries, below, and remove any new runners which may be forming | As temperatures decline, reduce the amount of damping down in the glasshouse or frame as high humidity and low temperatures can encourage fungal infection | Plant evergreen shrubs and conifers while the soil is still warm.
EASY Check greasebands are still sticky and fixed in place around the trunks of fruit trees.
* Apply greasebands to apples and pears to control winter moth caterpillars.
Place greasebands around trees to prevent winter moths climbing up them.'