

stained with grease marks
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


[ˈgriːsˌsteɪnd] adjmacchiato/a di unto
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
GREASE-STAINED walls and worktops, and a piece of recycled wood used to handle raw meat.
Dirty is dirty or are ladies' clothes not as dirty and as grease-stained as the men's?
To this day, when my mother is stumped or needs to remember how to cook a certain dish, she will bring out her very old, grease-stained copy, and look up the recipe.
It is hoped that the initiative will help cut down on the number of grease-stained pizza boxes that are mistakenly put into recycling bags every year.
"That said, we will always take all these matters very seriously and keep an open dialogue with staff and unions over the appropriate measures that are needed." In 2015, refuse collectors in Middlesbrough - then contracted out to Biffa - hit the headlines when they refused to collect thousands of recycling bins because they had pizza boxes and other grease-stained takeaway containers in them.
All five of my brothers, my mother and I worked at the station, and my dad's grease-stained hands provided for us.
“It was water-stained, smoke-stained and of course, grease-stained and hadn't been cleaned for many years.
Eventually, you want to just drop TMNT: Out of the Shadows down the garbage chute like an old, grease-stained pizza box.
AT first glance, the Team Valley Trading Estate is a world of vans and forklifts, grease-stained overalls and articulated lorries.
That "fine dining" turned out to be McDonald's, as evidenced by this ( photo where you can see Iglesias from the neck down sitting on a bed with a grease-stained Mickey D's bag.
Whether Cinder is headed for a happy ending like her fairy-tale inspiration is far from clear when she shows up at the prince's palace in a grease-stained ball gown teetering on her undersized robotic foot, but readers will be cheering for this extremely likable cyborg and eagerly awaiting Cinder's sequel." SUSAN CARPENTER