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(Animals) dialect Scot a goldfinch
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References in periodicals archive ?
The cafe opened in July in Goldspink Lane on the site of a former Italian restaurant and the couple are making the most of all the available space to provide practitioner rooms alongside the health food shop and separate cafe area.
12.30: George Ross & Derry Casson Carlisle; John Goldspink & A Crane Fleetwood.
MANY of us get tunes stuck in our heads, but pensioner Ron Goldspink has one in his permanently The 87-year-old hears the national anthem, sung by a male choir, around 1,440 a day - and it's driving him mad.
Managing director Terry Goldspink recalled: "We entered the Best New Business Awards to raise our profile - and it defi-nitely did that.
Another Huddersfield couple, Lee and Jessica Goldspink, were on honeymoon in the Tunisian resort but were safe.
When a talented senior class left and only four starters returned, Paul Goldspink wasn't sure what to expect from Creswell.
THREE players finished on nett 71 in the Eric Goldspink Memorial Trophy at NORTH WALES, Peter Hammond (84-13-71) winning from Spike Jones and Jim Dibb, who both shot 75-4-71.
Asda store manager Stuart Goldspink said: "We managed to get our manufacturers to make a triple trolley - we pushed and pushed and pushed because obviously she is a valuable customer.
Entre eles estao os mecanicos--promovidos pela contracao muscular por si so (Goldspink, 2005; Tidball 2005; Hornberger, Chu e colaboradores.
MGF mRNA is derived from the IGF-I gene by alternative precursor mRNA splicing, the sequence of which has a 49-base pair insertion in humans (Hameed et al., 2003) and a 52-base pair insertion in rodents (Hill and Goldspink, 2003) within the E domain.
Back row: Katie Richards, Beth Cobden, Barbara Bishop, Charlotte Roye, Laura Gentle, Ellis Goldspink and Anne O'Rourke (coach).