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n, pl -nies
(Animals) any of various small European wrasses, esp the brightly coloured Ctenolabrus rupestris. Also called: goldfinny
[origin obscure, but probably has reference to the colour of the fins and tail]
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Goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) is an extreme vtgAa-type pelagophil teleost.
He added: "In our display we have mostly nocturnal reef inhabitants, such as rockcook, goldsinny, ballan wrasse, corkwing wrasse and gobies.
High winds prevented the event going ahead in the open sea but the threesome found 14 species including a rare (for the area) bull huss and three members of the wrasse family - a ballan, goldsinny and a corkwing.
He correctly named Corkwing, Goldsinny and Rock Cook, as three members of the Wrasse family.
In a pounds 49,000 trial project on the Isle of Lewis, Goldsinny - a type of wrasse - were put in with 700,000 salmon smolts.
Stocking of cleaner-fish, goldsinny and ballan wrasse, at a ratio of about 1:100 in the cages may be an efficient method attempt to control the lice population (Kvenseth et al., 2003).