geometric distribution

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geometric distribution

(Statistics) statistics the distribution of the number, x, of independent trials required to obtain a first success: where the probability in each is p, the probability that x = r is p(1-p)r–1, where r = 1, 2, 3, …, with mean 1/p. See also Bernoulli trial
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We have compared the performance of the HLGW distribution with its submodels as well as with some other well-known distributions, such as the Weibull and the complementary Weibull geometric distribution. We also use the LR test to compare the HLGW distribution and its submodels.
(6) Let [a.sub.n] = [(1 - p).sup.n], n = 0,1,2, ...; then it reduces to Geometric Distribution [1].
For Mixon, the negative binomial distribution with q = 2.3 and k = .4 yielded [??] = .9; the inflated geometric distribution with [alpha] = .633 and q = 1.4 yielded [??] = .9.
Geometric distribution with parameter p [member of] (0, 1), G(p).
Empirical models include negative binomial distribution, log-series distribution, geometric distribution, lognormal distribution and so on.
In order to make a thorough analysis of sensor nodes' geometric distribution influence on positioning accuracy, the measurement error will not be discussed in this paper.
discrete random variables and follow a geometric distribution with parameter [lambda]: