

(Pathology) relating to geomedicine
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References in periodicals archive ?
Geomedical studies on Selinium toxicity in bovines.
"I think the biggest hospitals in the country are eventually going to figure out that acute care hospitals are going to get smaller and receive fewer investments from here on out, and what's going to get increasingly invested in are these retail places," says geomedical consultant Bill Davenhall, formerly of Esri (Redlands, Calif.), a geographic information systems software provider.
* Juan Pablo Salazar: Director General of GeoMedical Health in Bogota, Colombia
Selenium in soil, grass, and human serum in the Zlatibor mountain area (Serbia): geomedical aspects.
Eckert, "The Retreat of Plague from Central Europe, 1640-1720: A Geomedical Approach," Bulletin of the History of Medicine 74:1 (Spring 2000), 1-28 (particularly 11-14, which details the 1660s).
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geomedical Systems.