game park

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game park

(Environmental Science) (esp in Africa) a large area of country set aside as a reserve for wild animals
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And we can't blame them, what with occasional headlines like, 'Tourist killed in a game park.' The truth is, there is a difference between game parks and reserves like Thanda Private Game Reserve ( thandasafari).
| SOUTH AFRICA AND MAURITIUS: This 14-night break begins with a three-night safari on the Kruger game park where you'll get close to some of South Africa's most exotic wildlife.
22 March 2019 - Rhode Island, US-based family entertainment and action park franchise Launch Trampoline has acquired Michigan, US-based AirTime Trampoline and Game Park to expand national footprint, the company said.
The national government has started vaccinating livestock around Ruma National Game Park to prevent the spread of vector-borne diseases.
Regarding compensation for the expansion of Orapa Game Park, Mr Mzwinila mentioned that it was based on Tribal Land Act, Section 25.
1989: George Adamson, British naturalist and conservationist, best known for his work with his wife Joy and the lioness Elsa, was murdered by bandits in a game park in Kenya.
Kampala: Three lionesses and eight of their cubs have been found dead in a game park in Uganda, an official said on Thursday, adding that they suspect villagers of poisoning the cats.
The winning family will enjoy an animal-themed holiday to Kenya and the world famous Masai Mara Game Park experience.
1989: George Adamson (pictured), British naturalist and conservationist, best known for his work with his wife Joy and the lioness Elsa, was murdered by bandits in a game park in Kenya.
Summary: First-of-its-kind indoor video game park opens in Dubai, offering an array of 'immersive' virtual reality attractions
Unfortunately this lion has now been identified as a problem animal and will be euthanised." When he escaped through a hole in the fence last year he killed 30 animals before being captured, airlifted back to the game park and fitted with a tracking collar.