game laws

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game laws

pl n
(Hunting) laws governing the hunting and preservation of game
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References in classic literature ?
I have met so few Liberal landowners, and I was anxious to compare his attitude towards the game laws with the Conservative attitude.
"These two men are old offenders," he explained to the angry owner; "and they are most persistent violators of the fish and game laws. You have seen them caught in the act, and you may expect to be subpoenaed as witness for the state when the trial comes off."
The report stirred an uproar in Tharparkar district as civil society and animal rights activists widely condemned the alleged violation of the relevant laws as well as game laws by lawmakers, who they said were supposed to legislate and ensure implementation of laws...
Lesser folk opposed deer-hunting since they were excluded by the game laws from hunting themselves and because it infringed upon common rights and often destroyed crops.
I don't get too sanctimonious, though, for having duck hunted a lot is to at some point at least been confused by game laws. In fact, it was on my dad's place that I nearly had an issue a few years back on our family farm in Arkansas.
Regardless of what type of weapon hunters choose, as long as they are legal and ethical, obey all game laws and adhere to established rules and regulations regarding the weapon they are using, then I encourage each person to become as proficient as they can possibly become, enjoy the hunt to the fullest and take pride in the fact that it is ALL hunters who add value to wildlife and contribute to its well being.
First of all, "sport hunters" (you know, those of us who buy licenses and obey game laws) have never been responsible for the demise of any species of animal.
Regarding his disregard or ignorance of local game laws, Mr.
I'd read the regulations, and felt I understood the game laws. While hiking around and doing some scouting, I found an old deer skull.
Most hunters obey the game laws, but that alone isn't enough.
This legal "primer" for wildlife law is designed for lay readers who need to familiarize themselves with such topics as the Endangered Species Act, Indian tribal rights, state game laws, key federal laws and wildlife statutes on private land.
In what follows I argue that, reinforcing the novel's title and the handful of allusions to Antigua, Austen fully intended that the issue of slavery should be repeatedly brought to mind by her referencing of game and game laws. Rather surprisingly, perhaps, pheasants are mentioned in the novel more often than Lady Bertram's pugs.