formal language

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formal language

1. (Logic) a language designed for use in situations in which natural language is unsuitable, as for example in mathematics, logic, or computer programming. The symbols and formulas of such languages stand in precisely specified syntactic and semantic relations to one another
2. (Logic) logic a logistic system for which an interpretation is provided: distinguished from formal calculus in that the semantics enable it to be regarded as about some subject matter
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formální jazyk
Formale Sprache
formalni jezik
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Tanavoli is a well-established name in auctions--domestic and foreign--whose bronze sculptures are characterized by combining the semiotics of Persian and Arabic language with the formal language of abstract sculpture.
He was one of a generation of poets who favored to write in the Egyptian dialect (in Abnudi's case, Upper Egyptian dialect) rather than standard Arabic, the formal language of the country.
"Arabic language is a creative language in its different forms and various styles like verbal, written, Indigenous and formal language .
So they have to learn the formal language Persian at school," Bathaei said in a visit to Fars province July 14.
The 812 Superfast redefined the formal language of front-engined V12 Ferraris without altering either the exterior dimensions or interior space.
Just as it would be hard to overstate the importance of natural language to (e.g.) human psychology, social organization, and psychosocial evolution, it would be hard to overstate the importance of formal language to science and technology.
The juxtaposition of those elements is refreshing and surprising -- such fantasy books tend to be weighed down by "high," formal language, but here, that kind of overblown verbiage is played mostly for laughs, while the characters occasionally lead with shorter, baser comments, such as "What are you looking at, granny?" and "Oh wow, sorry." Also entertaining are the interparty dynamics, often driven by greed, jealousy, and distrust.
Students, for example, could use gay language in discussion and even in writing, but it is still the formal language that would be used in schools, she pointed out.
Keep calm, think before you answer and use formal language (no slang).
"My daughter didn't relate to the formal language and I found it exhausting to simultaneously read and translate from fussha to amiya," Makhoul said.
Brits considers how 20th-century writers overcame the traditional displacement between mathematics and literature through an engagement with the peculiarities of numbers as a formal language, and above all, an engagement with the mathematical approach to the infinite.

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