

dialect Scot drunk
[literally: flying, from flee2]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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RF EE POSTER PICK IT UP AT SEE PAGE 14 FLEEIN' David Marchetti did not apologise as he tried to sneak back into Britain after four days in custody in the US.
Later in a slapstick scene, Mrs Barclay, suffering from 'fleein' pains' (on which Pig Charlie comments 'A'm hearin' her fleein' pains hae a custom o'-o' fleein' awa a'thigither when she's nae in the humour for them, A tay' --p.
Ye mith raither be sorry for yer poor mistress wi' this fleein' pains, (p.
His stunning portraits capture the pigeon enthusiasts still practising the ancient sport of doo fleein' in Edinburgh.
Ring-a- ring-a-widdershins Loupin', lightly widdershins, Kilted coats and fleein' hair Three rimes three, Cummer, go ye before, cummer, go ye If ye willna go before, cummer, let me.
Was I just fleein' reality, like I know I'm liable to do?' (109).
Bevvied, blootered, hammered, guttered, fleein', fou, steamin' stotious, paralytic, plaistered and just plain p*shed to name but a few.
'They get bevvied, blootered, hammered, guttered, fleein', fou, steamin', stotious, paralytic and plastered to name a few.
And it's about time the gunmen were fleein' for a change.