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(Biography) James Elroy. 1884–1915, English poet and dramatist; author of Hassan (1922)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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While Silas and Eppie were seated on the bank discoursing in the fleckered shade of the ash tree, Miss Priscilla Lammeter was resisting her sister's arguments, that it would be better to take tea at the Red House, and let her father have a long nap, than drive home to the Warrens so soon after dinner.
But while she was resolved to say an affectionate farewell to Philip, how she looked forward to that evening walk in the still, fleckered shade of the hollows, away from all that was harsh and unlovely; to the affectionate, admiring looks that would meet her; to the sense of comradeship that childish memories would give to wiser, older talk; to the certainty that Philip would care to hear everything she said, which no one else cared for!
Roderick was reclining on the margin of a fountain which gushed into the fleckered sunshine with the same clear sparkle and the same voice of airy quietude as when trees of primeval growth flung their shadows cross its bosom.
Since an enormous amount of seeds from a high diversity of plants have been encountered in the stomachs of frugivorous fish, it is thought that ichthyochory (seed dispersal by fish) is paramount for seasonally flooded forest regeneration (Goulding, 1980; Anderson, Rojas, & Flecker, 2009).
He wrote: 'L'art c'est la beaute, l' invention perpetuelle du detail, le choix des mots.' *= 'art is beauty, the perpetual invention of detail, the choice of words.' + Among the English admirers of the Parnassians School of poetry, James Elroy Flecker [1885-1915] was a most ardent exponent of the merits of this school.
His recent publications inter alia include "A Textual Anatomy of a Poem: James Elroy Flecker's "War Song of the Saracens," and "the Poetry of Antara Ibn Shaddad," Journal of Language, Literature and Culture 61:2 (2014): 75-86; "'The Cunning Wife/ Fruit Tree' Syndrome: Chaucer's The Merchant's Tale and Seven Arabic Stories," Neohelicon 40:2 (2015): 671-686; and "The Islamic Tale of Solomon and the Angel of Death in English Poetry: Origins, Translations, and Adaptations," Forum for World Literature Studies 8:4 (2015): 523-547.
The hydrological regime, width and depth of the river (Suarez & Lima-Junior, 2009), velocity (Allan & Flecker, 1995; Valerio et al., 2007) and variation of the water flow (Silvano et al., 2000) are other important variables which can apply pressure to fish assemblages.
Some words which De la Mare quotes from James Elroy Flecker makes his own meaning clearer.
Who today, for example, reads James Elroy Flecker's Hassan?
One cannot agree more with the James Elroy Flecker, Hassan, 1913, who was once quoted as saying "For lust of knowing what should not be known, We take the golden road to Samarkand."