fall apart

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v. fell (fĕl), fall·en (fô′lən), fall·ing, falls
1. To drop or come down freely under the influence of gravity: Leaves fell from the tree.
a. To drop oneself to a lower or less erect position: I fell back in my chair. The pilgrims fell to their knees.
b. To lose an upright or erect position suddenly: tripped and fell.
c. To drop wounded or dead, especially in battle.
a. To hang down: The child's hair fell in ringlets.
b. To be cast down: Her eyes fell.
c. To be directed toward or come into contact; rest: My gaze fell upon the letter. The light fell on my book.
a. To come into existence or occur as if by falling: A plague fell on the town. Night fell quickly.
b. To occur at a specified time or place: The holiday falls on a Thursday. The stress falls on the last syllable.
a. To be removed as if by falling: All grief fell from our hearts.
b. To come forth as if by falling; issue: Did any thanks fall from their lips?
6. To assume an expression of consternation or disappointment: His face fell when he heard the report.
a. To undergo conquest or capture, especially as the result of an armed attack: The city fell after a long siege.
b. To experience defeat or ruin: The home team fell to the visitors. After 300 years the dynasty fell.
c. To lose office: The disgraced prime minister fell from power.
a. To move downward to a lower level; be reduced: The tide fell.
b. To slope downward: The land falls gently toward the sea.
a. To become less in amount or degree: The air pressure is falling.
b. To diminish in pitch or volume: My friend's voice fell to a whisper.
c. To decline in financial value: Last year, stocks fell sharply.
a. To give into temptation; suffer a moral lapse.
b. Theology To lose primordial innocence and happiness. Used of humanity as a result of the Fall.
11. To pass into a particular state, condition, or situation: fell silent; fall in love.
12. To come, as by chance: fell among a band of thieves.
a. To be given by assignment or distribution: The greatest task fell to me.
b. To be given by right or inheritance.
14. To be included within the range or scope of something: The specimens fall into three categories.
15. To apply oneself: fell to work immediately.
16. To be born. Used chiefly of lambs.
To cut down (a tree); fell.
1. The act or an instance of falling.
2. A sudden drop from a relatively erect to a less erect position.
a. Something that has fallen: a fall of snow.
b. An amount that has fallen: a fall of two inches of rain.
c. The distance that something falls: The victim suffered a fall of three stories to the ground.
4. Autumn.
5. falls(used with a sing. or pl. verb) A waterfall.
6. A downward movement or slope.
7. Any of several pendent articles of dress, especially:
a. A veil hung from a woman's hat and down her back.
b. An ornamental cascade of lace or trimming attached to a dress, usually at the collar.
c. A woman's hairpiece with long, free-hanging hair.
a. An overthrow; a collapse: the fall of a government.
b. Armed capture of a place under siege: the fall of Troy.
a. A reduction in value, amount, or degree: a fall in housing prices.
b. A marked, often sudden, decline in status, rank, or importance: his fall from power.
a. A moral lapse.
b. often Fall Theology The loss of humanity's original innocence and happiness resulting from Adam and Eve's eating of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
11. Sports
a. The act of holding a wrestling opponent on his or her back so that the shoulders remain in contact with the mat for a designated period, usually one or two seconds, thereby winning the match. Also called pin.
b. Any of various wrestling maneuvers resulting in such an act.
12. Nautical
a. A break or rise in the level of a deck.
b. falls The apparatus used to hoist and transfer cargo or lifeboats.
13. The end of a cable, rope, or chain that is pulled by the power source in hoisting.
a. The birth of an animal, especially a lamb.
b. All the animals born at one birth; a litter.
c. A family of woodcock in flight.
15. Botany One of the outer, drooping segments of a flower, especially an iris.
1. Of, having to do with, occurring in, or appropriate to the season of fall: fall fashion; fall harvests.
2. Grown during the season of fall: fall crops.
Phrasal Verbs:
fall apart
1. To break down; collapse: The rickety chair fell apart.
2. To suffer a nervous breakdown or become unable to cope: He fell apart after years as a POW.
fall away
1. To diminish gradually in size, amount, or intensity: The sound of the car fell away into the distance.
2. To change from an established course or activity: I fell away from my school work and spent more time writing.
3. To drop off or become steeper at a distance.
fall back
1. To give ground; retreat.
2. To recede: The waves fell back.
fall behind
1. To fail to keep up a pace; lag behind.
2. To be financially in arrears.
fall down
To fail to meet expectations; lag in performance: fell down on the job.
fall for
1. To feel love for; be in love with.
2. To be deceived or swindled by: fell for the con artist's scheme and lost $200,000.
fall in
1. To take one's place in a military formation.
2. To sink inward; cave in: The roof of the old barn fell in.
fall off
1. To become less; decrease: Stock prices have fallen off. The number of staff meetings fell off after a few months.
2. To lose weight. Used of livestock: Toward the end of the dry season, the cattle fall off rapidly.
3. Nautical To change course to leeward.
fall on (or upon)
1. To attack suddenly and viciously: Snipers and irregulars fell on the hapless patrol.
2. To meet with; encounter: a stockbroker who fell on hard times.
fall out
a. To leave a barracks, for example, in order to take one's place in a military formation.
b. To leave a military formation.
2. To quarrel: The siblings fell out over their inheritance.
3. To happen; occur: What fell out while we were gone?
4. To be readily explainable; follow logically or naturally: These facts fall out nicely from the new theory.
fall through
To fail; miscarry: Our plans fell through at the last minute.
fall to
To begin an activity energetically: "The press fell to with a will" (Russell Baker).
fall back on/upon
1. To rely on: fall back on old friends in time of need.
2. To resort to: I had to fall back on my savings when I was unemployed.
fall between (the) two stools
To fail because of an inability to reconcile or choose between two courses of action.
fall flat
1. To fail miserably when attempting to achieve a result.
2. To have no effect: The jokes fell flat.
fall foul/afoul
1. Nautical To collide. Used of vessels.
2. To clash: fell foul of the law.
fall from grace
To experience a major reduction in status or prestige.
fall into line
To adhere to established rules or predetermined courses of action.
fall in with
1. To agree with or be in harmony with: Their views fall in with ours.
2. To associate or begin to associate with: fell in with the wrong crowd.
fall on deaf ears
To go unheeded; be ignored completely: "Moscow's own familiar charges ... will also fall on deaf ears" (Foreign Affairs).
fall over backward/backwards
To overexert oneself to do or accomplish something: We fell over backward to complete the project on time.
fall over (oneself)
To display inordinate, typically effusive, enthusiasm: fell over themselves to impress the general's wife.
fall prey to
To be put into such a vulnerable position as to be at risk of harm, destruction, or invasion: a person who fell prey to swindlers; did not want the country to fall prey to terrorists.
fall short
1. To fail to attain a specified amount, level, or degree: an athlete whose skill fell far short of expectations.
2. To prove inadequate: Food supplies fell short.
fall through the cracks
To pass unnoticed, neglected, or unchecked: "In the past, many learning disabled children fell through the cracks" (Judith Harkness Richardson).
fall to pieces
1. To break apart; disintegrate or collapse.
2. To become distraught or lose one's ability to cope.

[Middle English fallen, from Old English feallan.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

fall apart

vb (intr, adverb)
1. to break owing to long use or poor construction: the chassis is falling apart.
2. to become disorganized and ineffective: since you resigned, the office has fallen apart.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.fall apart - lose one's emotional or mental composurefall apart - lose one's emotional or mental composure; "She fell apart when her only child died"
lose it, break down, snap - lose control of one's emotions; "When she heard that she had not passed the exam, she lost it completely"; "When her baby died, she snapped"
2.fall apart - go to pieces; "The lawn mower finally broke"; "The gears wore out"; "The old chair finally fell apart completely"
decay, dilapidate, crumble - fall into decay or ruin; "The unoccupied house started to decay"
fray, frazzle - wear away by rubbing; "The friction frayed the sleeve"
bust, break - ruin completely; "He busted my radio!"
3.fall apart - break or fall apart into fragments; "The cookies crumbled"; "The Sphinx is crumbling"
disintegrate - break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity; "The material disintegrated"; "the group disintegrated after the leader died"
4.fall apart - become separated into pieces or fragmentsfall apart - become separated into pieces or fragments; "The figurine broke"; "The freshly baked loaf fell apart"
change integrity - change in physical make-up
burst, break open, split - come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure; "The bubble burst"
puncture - be pierced or punctured; "The tire punctured"
bust, burst - break open or apart suddenly and forcefully; "The dam burst"
smash - break suddenly into pieces, as from a violent blow; "The window smashed"
ladder, run - come unraveled or undone as if by snagging; "Her nylons were running"
break - destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments; "He broke the glass plate"; "She broke the match"
snap, crack - break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension; "The pipe snapped"
fragment, fragmentise, fragmentize, break up - break or cause to break into pieces; "The plate fragmented"
crush - become injured, broken, or distorted by pressure; "The plastic bottle crushed against the wall"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
It would be sad to fall apart at the supreme moment."
For, if we let his strength hurt, the brothers would become afraid and the tribe would fall apart, and we would be as weak as when the Meat-Eaters first came upon us and killed Boo-oogh.
With apologies to Yeats, when things fall apart, the centre must hold,' he added, quoting Irish poet WB Yeats' poem titled The Second Coming that has a line - 'Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold'.
"I am now very focused on repairing some of the deep rooted issues that I have as most of us have, so that I don't fall apart, so that I can sustain my marriage and be the father I want to be," the Canadian singer wrote on Monday.
To mark the arrival of 'Titleann Rudai as a Cheile' which is the latest translation of Things Fall Apart, Dr Uzoma Emenike, Nigeria's Ambassador to Ireland hosted members of the diplomatic community and lovers of Achebe's works to a gathering that showcased the best of African literary harvest.
Rawalpindi -- Awami Muslim League (AML) head Sheikh Rashid Ahmad on Thursday said that PML-N has started to fall apart.
In the previous episode, Wozniak's team started to fall apart after Harlee confessed that she's been working with the FBI.
But As Dreams Fall Apart: The Golden Age of Jewish Stage and Film Music 1925-1955 isn't just any old cabaret album.
"I'd let myself fall apart, and I'd sit in darkness.
WHAT doesn't fall apart is more the question here as Berwick playwright Torben Betts' first play for Live Theatre imagines the high drama that the current general election campaign has been lacking.
As the weight of his problems increases, his world starts to fall apart.
Former Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov (2009-2013) has declared that his center-right GERB party would never fall apart.