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(Placename) a coastal resort in SE Greece, on Rhodes. Pop: 400 (2000 est)
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Achousa Hotel in fun-filled Faliraki | RHODES: Discover the sun-kissed island of Rhodes on this one-week holiday staying at the three-star Achousa Hotel in the fun-filled resort of Faliraki.
RHODES, A STAY at the three-star Old Windmill Studios in Faliraki for seven nights self-catering departing from Manchester on June 22 costs PS166 per person.
Seven nights all-inclusive on Rhodes, staying at the three-star Cyprotal Faliraki, a mile from the centre of Faliraki, including flights from Gatwick departing on June 11, starts at PS395pp.
RHODES VISIT Faliraki for seven nights and stay at the three-star Old Windmill Studios, on a self-catering basis for PS214 per person.
| The Old Windmill Studios, Faliraki | The Old Windmill Studios, Faliraki
Byline: EXCLUSIVE BY MELISSA THOMPSON in Faliraki, Rhodes melissa.thompson@mirror.co.uk
more down Mark Hotel Gree|| ON'T bother risking a trip to Faliraki, which is on the coast just north of the Levante resort.
Christopher, who was enjoying a break in the popular resort of Faliraki, broke his back in the fall.
Disaster struck in July when Sean returned to the Luca Cypria Faliraki Hotel after a night out with pals in Faliraki on Rhodes.
Peter Navarro stabbed 17-year-old Paddy Doran in the neck with a broken bottle during a fight in Faliraki in August 2003.
The 23-year-old, from West Lothian, was raped by a fellow holidaymaker in Faliraki, Rhodes, two years ago.
Greek holiday resort Faliraki will open its first police station today in an attempt to avoid the violence and loutish behaviour of last summer.