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tr.v. ex·tir·pat·ed, ex·tir·pat·ing, ex·tir·pates
a. To destroy totally; kill off: an effort to reintroduce wildlife that had been extirpated from the region.
b. To render absent or nonexistent: "No society ... is devoid of ... religion, even those ... which have made deliberate attempts to extirpate it" (Roy A. Rappaport). See Synonyms at eliminate.
2. To pull up by the roots.
3. To remove by surgery.

[Latin exstirpāre, exstirpāt- : ex-, ex- + stirps, root.]

ex′tir·pa′tion n.
ex′tir·pa′tive adj.
ex′tir·pa′tor n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Extirpative treatment (manual removal of placenta).
When all conventional and invasive options have been exhausted, and HC persists, the urologist can turn to extirpative surgery to remove the source of HC.
This patient's sarcomatoid carcinoma, age, and gender highlight the importance of considering the risks and benefits of disease recurrence versus subsequent fertility, particularly when assessing the aggressive nature of this tumor and benefits of radical extirpative surgery.
Advantages of En Bloc Hilar Ligation During Laparoscopic Extirpative Renal Surgery.
Cabrol, "Conservative versus extirpative management in cases of placenta accreta," Obstetrics & Gynecology, vol.
Such procedures were limited in their accuracy in that they required assessment of two-dimensional imaging prior to surgery and performing extirpative procedures with little intraoperative guidance.
If extirpative surgery (hysterectomy) is performed for placenta accreta in the lower segment, the technical difficulty associated to total instead of subtotal hysterectomy might result in urologic and hemostasis complications.
Still, only a few extirpative procedures were being performed via a laparoscope route.
Extirpative surgery through an infraumbilical midline incision was scheduled.
This task force, under the leadership of AUGS, believes that CMS and NCCI do not fully understand the complexity of vaginal reconstruction performed for advanced pelvic organ prolapse, or the fact that vaginal hysterectomy is an extirpative procedure that often is required to facilitate the more time-consuming reconstructive procedures.
Furthermore, Weight et al (15) demonstrated in their large study of patients with renal masses who had undergone extirpative surgery, partial nephrectomy or radical nephrectomy, that partial nephrectomy offers cancer specific survival equivalent to that of radical nephrectomy and is technically feasible in at least 50% of patients with cT1b tumors.