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1. (Pathology) a condition resulting from excessive dilation of the blood vessels, usually affecting the extremities, which feel hot and painful
2. (Medicine) a condition resulting from excessive dilation of the blood vessels, usually affecting the extremities, which feel hot and painful
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


a disease of the hands and feet characterized by a purplish discoloration and a sensation of burning pain. — erythromelalgic, adj.
See also: Disease and Illness
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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This patient's symptoms were initially considered as part of RA associated vasculitis; however, her symptoms of digital ischemia were more towards erythromelalgia rather true Raynaud's phenomenon.
Conclusion: The most frequent symptoms in patients with polycythaemia were erythromelalgia, facial plethora and headaches.
As in many other rather uncommon diseases, the diagnosis of PV may be overlooked unless it is explicitly considered, and it is likely that many cases are never correctly diagnosed but rather masquerade under the diagnosis of various types of peripheral vascular disease including thromboangiitis obliterans (Burger's disease), atypical erythromelalgia, or hypertension.
Eventually, the nerve damage progressed into a condition called erythromelalgia, forcing Wilson to make several trips to the hospital, the ( Los Angeles Times reports.
Erythromelalgia (EM) defines a clinical syndrome of erythema, increased temperature, and associated discomfort, including burning pain, tingling, or similar sensations, preferentially involving the extremities brought on or aggravated by standing, walking, or heat and relieved by the horizontal position and by cold [1-4].
Erythromelalgia is a clinical syndrome distinguished by the occurrence of red, hot extremities.
Treatment with carbamazepine and gabapentin of a patient with primary erythermalgia (erythromelalgia) identified to have a mutation in the SCN9A gene, encoding a voltage-gated sodium channel.
Researchers led by Yong Yang of Peking University First Hospital in Beijing reported two mutations in a family with several members suffering from primary erythromelalgia, a condition wherein [Na.sub.v]1.7 channels open too readily and the body's extremities become red, swollen and burn with pain.
They also revealed that patients with pain disorders such as erythromelalgia, small fiber neuropathy, and paroxysmal extreme pain disorder, contain mutant forms of Nav1.7 that cause the sensory neurons in which they are present to fire abnormally and at the merest hint of provocation.