end of steel

end of steel

1. (Railways) a point up to which railway tracks have been laid
2. (Civil Engineering) a town located at such a point
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
He has failed to deal properly with our once great NHS, pension funds, rail services, migration and we now face the possible end of steel production.
"However, as we have said before, this small victory will not compensate for the devastation from the end of steel making.
James Wharton's description of the SSI closure as a "tragic distraction" from the Powerhouse was agenda was probably unfortunate wording, but it was clear from the backing Labour MP Chi Onwurah got for her criticism of the Government's manufacturing policy (or lack of it) that the end of steel making on Teesside is more than just a short-term blow.
Does the Ford announcement that the 2015 F-150's body will shift from steel to aluminum mark the end of steel's dominance for automotive applications?
From cache #2 to cache #4 is nearly twenty-three miles, so you see I am now forty miles from the end of steel. That would not be far if the walking was good, but it is the worst I have been able to imagine.
THIS sombre scene could mark the end of steel making in Scotland.
Irvin Jackson, Dormanstown: This plant if mothballed will be the end of steel making on Teesside and the Labour Government have achieved what Margaret Thatcher didn't.
But both the Business Secretary and the Prime Minister insisted that the shutdown of the plant at 4pm today was not the end of steel making on Teesside after more than 150 years.