embryonal cancer


embryonal cancer

n. tumor maligno embrional.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Embryonal cancer generally presents on MRI as a large, unilateral, predominantly solid mass containing cystic (mucoid-filled) spaces.
Masui, "Retinoic acid causes a decline in TGF-a expression, cloning efficiency, andtumorigenicityin ahuman embryonal cancer cell line," Oncogene Research, vol.
Neuroblastoma is an embryonal cancer of childhood arising from immature neural crest cells of the sympathetic nervous system.
Here we report a case of chemotherapy-related gynecomastia in a patient who had been previously treated for metastatic testicular embryonal cancer.
The researchers concluded that the "increased rate of embryonal cancers, particularly hepatic tumors, that could not be attributed to IVF rather than to underlying infertility."