elevator boy

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.elevator boy - a man employed to operate an elevatorelevator boy - a man employed to operate an elevator; "in England they call an elevator man a liftman"
elevator operator - an operator of an elevator
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References in classic literature ?
The head of the department did them the honor of waiting upon them himself--or did Joe the honor, as she well knew, for she had noted the open-mouthed awe of the elevator boy who brought them up.
But he was staring moodily at the elevator boy and did not seem to hear.
One day, in a mellow mood (induced by a string of cocktails and a hearty lunch), he started a conversation with Jones, the elevator boy. Jones was a slender, mop-headed, man-grown, truculent flame of an individual who seemed to go out of his way to insult his passengers.