

(Clothing & Fashion) (esp of a fabric or garment) hardwearing, practical, and requiring no special treatment during washing, cleaning, etc
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A relative newcomer to the easy-care indoor plant world is the interesting Zanzibar gem, Zamioculcas zamiifolia, which is often called the ZZ plant.
Compiled and presented by a team of Sunset Magazine editors and contributors, "Sunset Western Garden Book of Easy-Care Plantings: The Ultimate Guide to Low-Water Beds, Borders, and Containers" illustrates that intricate, fragrant, and well-designed gardens don't need to be time-consuming to tend.
We will be featuring two new easy-care introductions with Hydra and Jacquard.
The trial found that the easy-care plants which produced plenty of blooms included Argyranthemum 'Yellow Empire'(Mr Fothergill's), a classic marguerite with bright yellow daisy-like flowers which - with some deadheading - produced masses of flowers throughout the summer
Easy-care plants from pounds 7.99 (www.crocus.co.uk - 0844 557 2244) SILVER-GREY LEAVES Those with minute, fleshy, sword and grassy leaves, as well as those with silver-grey leaves for a hassle-free garden.
The three day Easy-Care conference discussed the pioneering use of touch screen technology which is being developed in Stratford.
Easy-care window box herbs MOST herbs will thrive in containers that are at least 15cm (6in) deep, apart from those which have long roots, such as fennel and bay.
The thick, softsculptured 120cm by 180cm pile is cotton-backed and incredibly well made in 100 per cent easy-care acrylic, giving the look of wool at an affordable price.
Succulent Container Gardens: Design Eye-Catching Displays with 350 Easy-Care Plants offers a fine guide to combining, planting and nurturing succulents in containers ranging from hanging baskets to topiaries and miniature landscapes, floral arrangements and more.
A Super Eco wash programme dedicated to cottons and easy-care fabrics makes this an eco-friendly appliance- one of the first in the world to use cold water in a wash cycle along with cold active/activated washing powders and solutions such as Ariel Excel Gel.
Best personal colors, styles, easy-care wardrobes, short notice preparation, and so much more can be found.
RHS Easy-Care Gardening, Simple Steps to Success, published March 3, Dorling Kindersley pounds 6.99, available from bookshops or www.rhs.org.uk)