easy meat

Also found in: Idioms.

easy meat

1. someone easily seduced or deceived
2. something easy to get or do
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
The bears looked upon us as easy meat. Only our heavy rifles saved us from prompt extinction.
THE railway industry is always easy meat for the public to attack, but without them understanding that it is a very complicated network of thousands of miles, carrying millions of people and tons of goods.
The corollary to this seems to be pre-Raven Model S and Model X EVs should be easy meat for souped-up gas-guzzling dragsters tweaked for speed.
77, who is solid but far from spectacular and was supposed to be easy meat for the first seed.
Rangers v Villarreal 8pm Europa League, Group G STEVEN GERRARD thinks Rangers were initially viewed as easy meat by their Europa League rivals - but insists they will not think that now.
No games in the Championship should ever be considered easy meat, but Boro should go to Portman Road believing they are good enough to take all three points again.
The classic three-bedroom semi is often easy meat for them.
A man who entered Britain from Kosovo with the help of people traffickers was described in court as being "easy meat" for exploitation after he was caught with drugs worth up to PS120,000.
The Blues, who were in a buoyant mood, made easy meat of the diamond miners in the most thrilling way possible.
"With the League's top riders, World Team Cup runner-up Craig Cook and Premier League Riders' Champion Ulrich Ostergaard, leading their attack, however, Peterborough are nobody's idea of easy meat.
EASY MEAT Kyrgios hails Murray before the Scots star celebrates his triumph, below
IT'S a Sunday roast of easy meat in Euro qualifying - but you'll struggle to butter your parsnips at these 1X2 prices.