dust explosion

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dust explosion

(Chemistry) an explosion caused by the ignition of an inflammable dust, such as flour or sawdust, in the air
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The machine being used creates an explosive atmosphere in normal use, and when the part he was trying to reach came into contact with an electrostatic grid, a spark caused a dust explosion.
Today in Taiwan, after the tragic dust explosion at Formosa Fun Coast in 2015, Gulal in a powder form is no longer permitted.
If fully approved, the PS6.9m community primary school would sit on the memorial site of the 1960 disaster in which 45 men lost their lives in an underground gas and coal dust explosion.
Read: (www.ibtimes.com/taiwan-water-park-explodes-injuring-least-229-people-attending-color-play-party-dust-1986851) Taiwan Water Park Explodes, Injuring At Least 229 People Attending A 'Color Play' Party; Dust Explosion Was Likely Cause
The purpose of the study was to determine if there were potential dust explosion hazards that would require the filter to be equipped with explosion protection.
The oxidation of other commonly known materials such as coal and sawdust can also be the source of a dust explosion. However, many other normally inactive materials such as grain, flour, sugar, powdered milk and even powdered metals can form potentially explosive dust cloud suspensions in a busy working atmosphere.
This means there is a considerably reduced risk of dust explosion, and expenses for protective measures and facility cleaning can be considerably reduced.
To reduce the scale of accidents, the automatic dust explosion localization systems (ADELS) are employed.