dust down

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dust down

vb (tr, adverb)
1. to remove dust from by brushing or wiping
2. to reprimand severely
dusting down n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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w>dust down

vt sep person, sb’s clothes (with brush) → abbürsten; (with hand) → abklopfen; (fig)herunterputzen; to dust oneself downsich abbürsten, sich (dat)den Staub abklopfen; (fig)sich reinwaschen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


(dast) noun
1. fine grains of earth, sand etc. The furniture was covered in dust.
2. anything in the form of fine powder. gold-dust; sawdust.
to free (furniture etc) from dust. She dusts (the house) once a week.
ˈduster noun
a cloth for removing dust.
ˈdusty adjective
a dusty floor.
ˈdustiness noun
dustbin (ˈdasbin) noun
(American ˈgarbage-can or ˈtrash-can) a container for household rubbish.
dust-jacket (ˈdasdʒӕkit) noun
the loose paper cover of a book.
dustman (ˈdasmən) noun
a person employed to remove household rubbish.
dustpan (ˈdaspӕn) noun
a type of flat container with a handle, used for holding dust swept from the floor.
ˈdust-up noun
a quarrel. There was a bit of a dust-up between the two men.
dust down
to remove the dust from with a brushing action. She picked herself up and dusted herself down.
throw dust in someone's eyes
to try to deceive someone.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Then Jove the lord of thunder sent the blast of a mighty wind from the mountains of Ida, that bore the dust down towards the ships; he thus lulled the Achaeans into security, and gave victory to Hector and to the Trojans, who, trusting to their own might and to the signs he had shown them, essayed to break through the great wall of the Achaeans.
He said while some customers will already get on their bike regularly, "we hope this free British Cycling membership will encourage people to dust down their bike and get back in the saddle".
He said that, while some customers will already get on their bike regularly, "we hope this free British Cycling membership will encourage people to dust down their bike and get back in the saddle".
The firms were earlier ordered to cease work for a week for failing to repair roads that their vehicles had damaged, as well failing to water roads to keep dust down and improve technical procedures.
DIG out those platforms and dust down those flares as they welcome ABBA Mania to Loughborough Town Hall, to revive the special memories of when ABBA ruled the airwaves.
Staff are also using water bowsers and jets to wash the dust down.
out those platforms and dust down the flares for Abba Mania tonight at King's Theatre, Glasgow.
David Weir says he will dust down his contacts book to help gaffer Mark Warburton at Brentford.
Then roared back pulling loaves of dust down gravel roads,
Then dust down those clubs and dig out your golf shoes.
A common New Years resolution is to lose weight, whether you decide to do this by yourself or join a slimming club, you can guarantee during the first week of January many of us will dust down our gym clothes.