

to make an embarrassing phone call when drunk
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree
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That means deleting everyone we don't call, or any one we shouldn't and getting rid of the temptation to "drunk-dial" old flames.
The two, however, reconnected the day after Nan drunk-dialed Jason, telling him to come to her house and get his motorcycle parked at her tiny doorstep.
Sheldon's funniest moment: Sheldon obliges to toasting to his new focus with "grape juice that's been filtered through a fungus." The next morning, after shamefully waking up in bed next to a geology book, Sheldon discovers that he drunk-dialed Stephen Hawking and left a number of hilarious, bellowing voicemails.
Clyde Singleton pulled a no-show, later citing racism and sub-par photo standards, while Shiloh Greathouse drunk-dialed his trepidations late, late the night before.