drunk tank

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drunk tank

(Law) informal a large police cell used for detaining drunks overnight
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

drunk′ tank`

a large jail cell where persons arrested for alcohol- or drug-related behavior are detained.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
ABOOZER is offering punters who are worse for wear after a night of festive drinking an opportunity to crash out in specially erected pop-up drunk tanks.
Of course, converting a former "drunk tank" into a bar is not without its challenges.
Here and there he would leak a story about a moment when he was a kid and his dad was carried home by the police, or about getting his dad out of the drunk tank, or about the morning his morn changed the locks on their house, or about how his sister went to live with their dad but came home grim a day later, or about how one of the brothers died in a car crash and the father didn't make the funeral, or about how when the dad died finally they put his ashes in a whiskey bottle, but we never talked about that night at the party.
While I was sitting in the drunk tank, I was freaking out about what to do and how to get out of jail.
He later woke up in the drunk tank wearing only a t-shirt, shorts and socks with his arm injured and swollen, unable even to tie his own shoes.
A so-called "drunk tank" is becoming a regular feature of the city's vibrant nightlife during high days and holidays.
* strong value judgments about helping the substance abuse population, opting for the "drunk tank" alternative (a holding area with no treatment) as opposed to a therapeutic treatment approach; and
The RCMP should be more respectful when they are arresting someone and not just toss them into the drunk tank with everyone else.
IT IS a sad comment on our society that it has been felt necessary to set up a "drunk tank" in Liverpool city centre because of the rising number of binge drinkers.
The telltale "creeping squad car," the catch-all of the drunk tank and the spectacularly abhorrent "midnight ride" are all well known to a generation of Aboriginal people.
The detainee was placed in the jail's drunk tank, instead of the holding cell that was usually used for suicidal inmates.
Duane, belonging to two very different worlds as guard and as guitar-playing country rocker, is also the most complicated of the townsfolk, waxing philosophical when in uniform with Hank but "cracker jealous" of his sexpot girlfriend Ronnette (Scarlett McAlister) when down at the Drunk Tank where he plays.