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An alcoholic drink taken at the end of a meal, often thought to aid digestion.

[French, digestive, digestif, from Latin dīgestīvus, digestive, from dīgestus, past participle of dīgerere, to disperse, separate; see digest.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Brewing) something, esp a drink, taken as an aid to digestion, either before or after a meal
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Sherry is one option with styles like bone-dry Fino working as both a palate cleanser and digestif. You'll find the more fruit-loaded sherries like sweet Oloroso and Pedro Ximenex, with potently succulent fig, date and molasses flavors, appealing if you have a sweeter tooth.
OFTEN CONSIDERED A "MAN'S DRINK," THE SPIRIT OF choice in professional circles and at cigar bars, or as a digestif, Scotch whisky in recent years has broadened its appeal across gender, occasion, and the global marketplace.
Good eating of course requires a digestif. Locals here swear by Genepy, made from local alpine plants picked in August and brewed to give a warming shot that brings the ski legs and feet back to life.
Drink it alone as a digestif after dinner or with sweets, fresh fruit or soft cheeses.
Europeans drink cognac after dinner, which is why it is known as a digestif, but Mariuz, who was in the city for a Remy Martin event at the Olive at Qutab, insists it can drunk in any which way you wish to have it.
If Momofuku Ko signals the future of fine dining -- an austere, pared down environment with uncomfortable seats and chefs as waiters, then Marea reminds us of the past, with white tablecloths and a silver rolling digestif cart.
Tone becomes a little over-the-top in the final reels, and the moderately surprising denouement is hustled in like a round of high-speed "Clue." But an ingenious coda, highlighting Prudence's and Belisalre's opposing investigatory methods, works like a warm digestif to make the whole meal go down smoothly.
L'aire du sac digestif diminue substantiellement, devenant aussi grande qu'une balle de golf.
L'analyse recente de pisidies (Sphaeriidae), de valvatides (Valvatidae) et de lymneides (Lymnaeidae) provenant du tractus digestif inferieur de ces poissons a permis de constater que grand nombre de ces mollusques etaient toujours en vie.
Apres une analyse globale des donnees recueillies lors des deux campagnes de terrain (2002/2003), nous presenterons, dans cet article, les resultats concernant les groupements d'especes medicinales qui traitent les maladies touchant un certain nombre d'appareils (appareil digestif, appareil circulatoire, etc.).
in France, Benedictine was invented for medicinal purposes and still is looked upon as an effective digestif. No less than 27 botanicals are employed in its secret production.