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a person who refuses to accept something that is regarded as an established fact: a Holocaust denialist.
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Between them, these twin failures -- the institutional blindness of Corbynism, and the denialist madness of Tory Brexitism -- have created a perfect storm for the British state, which many international commentators do not now expect it to survive.
And it's worth trying to understand both how that happened and the sheer depravity involved in being a denialist at this point.
new treaty You wouldn't learn that listening to prominent headbanger denialist Tories who accuse the EU of imposing punishment tariffs on Britain.
"So as it was, the scrutiny applied to Lawson's assertion that global temperatures had dropped over the last 10 years was - 'Yeah, well, which is an argument on both sides...' - which far from challenging Lawson's misinformation, endorses the central denialist myth, namely that the science is divided.
In both cases, I also seek to link the two approaches that Schelling critiques to the contemporary capitalist and climate change denialist's view of nature as an inexhaustible economic resource to be endlessly exploited for human gain.
"Trump Picks Scott Pruitt, Climate Change Denialist, to Lead E.P.A.," the New York Times declared.
The denialist prose that consists of three wizened arguments, which amount to upheaval, collaboration with the enemy and victimization -- it is the Armenians who killed us -- will continue to be parroted in a series of conferences.
Plot enthusiasts would better spend their time looking into the small number of fossil fuel companies that pour money into the denialist industry, and at the politicians who, tragically, accept that money.
Finally, he tackles the denialist arguments and explains the problems with both the premises upon which they are built and their conclusions.
Who knows, maybe in 20 years if I'm still around I will be a Hummer-driving, whiskey- drinking, tobacco-chewing, climate change denialist, Republican [laughs].