

abbreviation for
(Education) Doctor of Engineering
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The cause for diplomatic interest was that, during a conversation with Lee Hsien Loong, Li supposedly quoted Deng. But when the conversation was reported in Beijing, the state media substituted a quote concerning Xi instead of Deng.
This step of facilitation of trade activities paved the way for China to establish its position in foreign markets under Mao and Deng.
Taiwan is also a victim of China's steel dumping, and the government plans to decrease the Chinese-made components in its steel according to Deng.
Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and Acting General Intelligence Chief Abbas Kamel also attended the meeting with Deng. Ambassador Bassam Radi, official spokesperson of the Presidency, said that Minister Deng had conveyed warm greetings from South Sudan's Kiir to President Sisi and handed over a message to Sisi that stresses Kiir's keenness to boost bilateral relations between Juba and Cairo.
"The command of the SPLA described the incident as an isolated incident that does not have any connection with the SPLA and I am satisfied with such assertion as the officer who arrested me acted without directives from his immediate command." Said Deng.
The Pacers, who coincidentally already acquired Bynum, are among the teams rumoured to be interested in trading for Deng. Indiana has been shopping small forward Danny Granger and could still send some future draft picks to sweeten up the deal.
Days later Mr Murdoch and Mr Blair are said to have talked but the ex-politician did not mention seeing Ms Deng. Staff at the 1,000-acre ranch claimed Mr Blair and Ms Deng both stayed there overnight on weekends in October 2012 and April last year.
Xinhua said the local authorities have sought help from officials in another province to determine the cause of death for Deng.
Sydney, June 14 ( ANI ): Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has filed for divorce from his wife Wendi Deng.
Regarding domestic affairs, Vogel outlines a mixed record for Deng. Once in control, he consistently moved China toward the First World and increased the country's wealth.