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tr.v. de·my·thol·o·gized, de·my·thol·o·giz·ing, de·my·thol·o·giz·es
1. To rid of mythological elements in order to discover the underlying meaning: demythologize biblical legends.
2. To remove the mysterious or mythical aspects from: "providing an antiheroic age with heroes suitably demythologized, yet also grand" (John Simon).

de′my·thol′o·gi·za′tion (-jĭ-zā′shən) n.
de′my·thol′o·giz′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˌdiːmɪˈθɒləˌdʒaɪz) or


vb (tr)
1. (Theology) to eliminate all mythical elements from (a piece of writing, esp the Bible) so as to arrive at an essential meaning
2. (Theology) to restate (a message, esp a religious one) in rational terms
ˌdemyˌthologiˈzation, ˌdemyˌthologiˈsation n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌdi mɪˈθɒl əˌdʒaɪz)

v.t. -gized, -giz•ing.
to divest of mythological attributes, as to permit clearer understanding.
de`my•thol`o•gi•za′tion, n.
de`my•thol′o•giz`er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: demythologized
Gerund: demythologizing

I demythologize
you demythologize
he/she/it demythologizes
we demythologize
you demythologize
they demythologize
I demythologized
you demythologized
he/she/it demythologized
we demythologized
you demythologized
they demythologized
Present Continuous
I am demythologizing
you are demythologizing
he/she/it is demythologizing
we are demythologizing
you are demythologizing
they are demythologizing
Present Perfect
I have demythologized
you have demythologized
he/she/it has demythologized
we have demythologized
you have demythologized
they have demythologized
Past Continuous
I was demythologizing
you were demythologizing
he/she/it was demythologizing
we were demythologizing
you were demythologizing
they were demythologizing
Past Perfect
I had demythologized
you had demythologized
he/she/it had demythologized
we had demythologized
you had demythologized
they had demythologized
I will demythologize
you will demythologize
he/she/it will demythologize
we will demythologize
you will demythologize
they will demythologize
Future Perfect
I will have demythologized
you will have demythologized
he/she/it will have demythologized
we will have demythologized
you will have demythologized
they will have demythologized
Future Continuous
I will be demythologizing
you will be demythologizing
he/she/it will be demythologizing
we will be demythologizing
you will be demythologizing
they will be demythologizing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been demythologizing
you have been demythologizing
he/she/it has been demythologizing
we have been demythologizing
you have been demythologizing
they have been demythologizing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been demythologizing
you will have been demythologizing
he/she/it will have been demythologizing
we will have been demythologizing
you will have been demythologizing
they will have been demythologizing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been demythologizing
you had been demythologizing
he/she/it had been demythologizing
we had been demythologizing
you had been demythologizing
they had been demythologizing
I would demythologize
you would demythologize
he/she/it would demythologize
we would demythologize
you would demythologize
they would demythologize
Past Conditional
I would have demythologized
you would have demythologized
he/she/it would have demythologized
we would have demythologized
you would have demythologized
they would have demythologized
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.demythologize - remove the mythical element from (writings); "the Bible should be demythologized and examined for its historical value"
Christian Bible, Good Book, Holy Scripture, Holy Writ, Scripture, Bible, Word of God, Book, Word - the sacred writings of the Christian religions; "he went to carry the Word to the heathen"
alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
mythicise, mythicize, mythologise, mythologize - make into a myth; "The Europeans have mythicized Rte. 66"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


[ˌdiːmɪˈθɒlədʒaɪz] VTdesmitificar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
In an attempt to denaturalize and demythologize the received view of a concept used within several fields of science, this book will be particularly valuable for scholars in communication and media studies, but also in the philosophy of science, evolutionary theory, neuroscience, and political science.
I would like to conclude by proposing an invitation to an effort, nothing new, perhaps similar to what Rudolf Bultmann called "demythologization." Provoked then by black theology, I am inspired to demythologize the many myths that we have and that we construct in a society of "colonial functioning," those centralizing, totalitarian, hegemonic thoughts, that guide our daily life.
represents the author's lifelong attempt to "demythologize
Montgomery presents readers with an examination of primatologyAEs shift from short-term expeditions to demythologize the behavior of primates in their natural habitats to its arrival as a full-fledged scientific field of study.
"Vision 7: Amen of Consummation" offers a concise yet fully adequate summary of Aquinas's defense of the bodily resurrection, an article of faith to which Messiaen adhered against any attempt to demythologize it.
I kind of wanted to demythologize'' Earp and Holliday.
Nuland wrote that his intention was to demythologize death, making it more familiar and therefore less frightening," the New York Times wrote.
Few writers are able to demythologize historical icons while retaining a substantive empathy for their subj ect's humanity and achievement.
"'s Twitter marketing guide really seeks to demythologize Twitter's reputation as spam or reckless marketing device," said Thompson.
His ascetically native epistemological tactics successfully demythologize much of the fallacious knowledge and superstitions regarding Jews, Judaism, and Zionism.
This book is an attempt to "demythologize" a content area that is both essential for professional social service practitioners, yet dreaded by some of the most experienced among them.