death metal

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Related to death metal: black metal

death metal

A style of heavy metal music characterized by harsh, violent, often nihilistic lyrics that are usually growled or shouted.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

death metal

(Pop Music)
a. a type of heavy-metal music characterized by extreme speed and lyrics dealing with violence, satanism, etc
b. (as modifier): a death-metal band.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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They explore masculine genealogies and trajectories, particularly the key characteristics of heavy metal in its early days in Australia, the development of extreme metal scenes in the late 1980s, and how trajectories of Australian masculinity emerged in contemporary settings and the subgenre of metalcore; local scenes in Melbourne, Sydney, and Perth, with discussion of female metal musicians and grindcore; and cultures of resistance in Australian metal, including the Muslim blackened death metal band Hazeen and its response to Islamophobia, and the environmental concerns and ecological anxieties of Australian metal.
I am actually currently listening to death metal, just to really get into a dark mood while writing this blog post.
The Eagles of Death Metal, the band that was playing the Bataclan concert venue in Paris in November 2015 when jihadists launched a deadly attack there, also played Hellfest this year.
It's still two fighters scrapping in embellished 2D, it's still grim-dark as a death metal playlist and it's still wholeheartedly disgusting.
LORDS OF CHAOS Cert 18 Running time 117mins With strong bloody violence, gore and suicide, this thriller is based on a real-life Norwegian death metal band who perform a series of increasingly shocking publicity stunts.
DOWNLOAD Festival has announced a further 23 acts including Slayer with their last ever UK show, The Smashing Pumpkins, Dream Theater, Lamb of God, Eagles Of Death Metal, and more.
Third riff in "Leprosy." At just 34 seconds into that song, Chuck firmly signaled to the world that this was motherfucking death metal!
"Metal Politics Taiwan," directed by German filmmaker Macro Wilms, presents the political journey of Freddy Lim (aeaePa1/2) from a death metal rock star to an active member of Taiwan's legislature.
Frontman Josh Homme, pictured, used the break to focus on side project Eagles Of Death Metal, but he says he is now fully involved in the band he founded 21 years ago.
Frontman Josh Homme used the break to focus on side project Eagles Of Death Metal, but he says he is now fully involved in the band he founded 21 years ago.
FORMER Labour leader Ed Miliband has tried his hand at death metal singing.
Introducing one of her song choices, death metal band Arch Enemy's track War Eternal, she added: "Somehow when I'm listening to these songs, I produce calmer fiction."