death march

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death march

n (Mus) → marcia funebre
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But nothing of the sort occurred during this hideous death march, and with the first pale heralding of dawn we reached our goal--an open place in the midst of a tangled wildwood.
THOUSANDS of Soldiers and civilians converge at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., each spring to share the common experiences of blisters, sore muscles and exhaustion, as they undertake the grueling Bataan Memorial Death March.
Craigg served in World War II and Korean War, and is a survivor of the Bataan Death March. A DAV life member, Craigg is also a Past Commander of the DAV State Department of N.C.
Disenchanting funeral honorarium of slow plodding death march rhythms and disemboweling vocals disseminate and rot the soul.
Calling it a "Death March", thousands of local residents of Trinidad & Tobago took to the streets of the capital Port of Spain, in a peaceful but massive demonstration demanding that the government put an end to the country's spiralling wave of kidnappings, murders and other violent crimes, reports Caribbean Net News (Oct.
It is only upon Jimmy's return home five years later that the family learns the truth of his ordeal in the Bataan Death March where he was subject to inconceivable torture and witnessed unimaginable horrors.
The more well known of these raids is the 1945 liberation of 500 starving survivors of the Bataan Death March. They had been held in the Cabanatuan POW camp in the Philippine Islands since 1942.
On April 1, 2001, a team from C Company, 705th Military Police Battalion, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, participated in the 13th annual Bataan Memorial Death March at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.
Fifteen thousand soldiers died during one of the most devastating events of World War II -- the Bataan Death March.
On April 6, 1945, some 28,500 prisoners were evacuated from Buchenwald on a death march on which one in four died.
A SOLDIER has won a gold medal in the gruelling Bataan Memorial Death March - a 26-mile marathon through the burning desert in full combat gear.